Monthly Archives: January 2022

55 posts

Electrical Activity

A key aspect of the heart modeling is the study of electrical activity, that triggers the heart contraction. A simple model considered is the Eikonal equation which provides the activation times. In view of the electro-mechanical coupling more sophisticated models have been used, in particular the Monodomain and the Bidomain models, which allow to compute also […]

Fluid Structure Interaction

The interaction between the blood and the deformable artery leads to a very complex coupled problem The solution of this fluid-structure interaction problem has been addressed by means of partitioned algorithms, whose convergence properties are in general very poor due to the high added mass effect characterizing the haemodynamic regime. A […]

One Dimensional Modelling

To model a complex arterial or venous network, the use of one-dimensional models (1D) allows to recover a global description of the pressure propagation with a reduced computational effort The research focused on the numerical discretization of single 1D compartments with different schemes, such as the Taylor-Galerkin method, on the treatment of different […]

Geometrical multiscale

The geometrical multiscale approach consists in the coupling of spatial heterogeneous models for the description of the cardiovascular system. Usually, one considers 3D models (either in compliant or rigid vessels) to describe the portion of the system where a detailed description is needed (e.g., the ascending aorta, the carotids, …), 1D models for the description of […]