Monthly Archives: March 2022

6 posts

MOX Report on Substructured Two-grid and Multi-grid Domain Decomposition Methods

A new MOX report entitled “Substructured Two-grid and Multi-grid Domain Decomposition Methods” by G. Ciaramella, T. Vanzan has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: Two-level Schwarz domain decomposition methods are very powerful techniques for the efficient numerical solution of […]

MOX Report on Substructured Two-grid and Multi-grid Domain Decomposition Methods

A new MOX report entitled “Substructured Two-grid and Multi-grid Domain Decomposition Methods” by G. Ciaramella, T. Vanzan has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: Two-level Schwarz domain decomposition methods are very powerful techniques for the efficient numerical solution of […]

MOX Report on Spectral coarse spaces for the substructured parallel Schwarz method

A new MOX report entitled “Spectral coarse spaces for the substructured parallel Schwarz method” by G. Ciaramella, T. Vanzan has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: The parallel Schwarz method (PSM) is an overlapping Domain Decomposition (DD) method to […]

MOX Report on Efficient and certified solution of parametrized one-way coupled problems through DEIM-based data projection across non-conforming interfaces

A new MOX report entitled “Efficient and certified solution of parametrized one-way coupled problems through DEIM-based data projection across non-conforming interfaces” by Zappon, E.; Manzoni, A.; Quarteroni A. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: One of the major […]

MOX Report on Non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluids: the stationary case

A new MOX report entitled “Non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluids: the stationary case” by Grasselli, M.; Parolini, N.; Poiatti, A.; Verani, M. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection. The report can be donwloaded at the following link: Abstract: The stationary Navier-Stokes equations for a non-Newtonian incompressible fluid are coupled with […]