MOX Report on A PETSc Parallel Implementation of Substructured One- and Two-level Schwarz Methods

A new MOX report entitled “A PETSc Parallel Implementation of Substructured One- and Two-level Schwarz Methods” by Ciaramella, G.; Gander, M.; Van Criekingen, S.; Vanzan, T. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection.

The report can be donwloaded at the following link:

Abstract: Substructured Schwarz methods are interpretations of volume Schwarz methods as algorithms on interface variables. In this work, we consider the substructured version of the Parallel Schwarz Method (PSM) and a recent extention to a two-level (i.e. coarse-corrected) framework. In particular, we present an implementation of the substructured PSM based on the PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) linear algebra package of one- and two-level methods.