MOX Report on Advanced Modeling of Rectangular Waveguide Devices with Smooth Profi les by Hierarchical Model Reduction

A new MOX report entitled “Advanced Modeling of Rectangular Waveguide Devices with Smooth Profiles by Hierarchical Model Reduction” by Garcia-Contreras, G.; Còrcoles, J.; Ruiz-Cruz, J.A.; Oldoni, M; Gentili, G.G.; Micheletti, S.; Perotto, S. has appeared in the MOX Report Collection.

The report can be donwloaded at the following link:

Abstract: We present a new method for the analysis of smoothly varying tapers, transitions and filters in rectangular waveguides. With this aim, we apply a Hierarchical Model (HiMod) reduction to the vector Helmholtz equation. We exploit a suitable coordinate transformation and, successively, we use the waveguide modes as a basis for the HiMod expansion. We show that accurate results can be obtained with an impressive speed-up factor when compared with standard commercial codes based on a three-dimensional finite element discretization.