MOX Report on AeroSPEED: a high order acoustic solver for aeroacoustic applications

A new MOX report entitled “AeroSPEED: a high order acoustic solver for aeroacoustic applications” by Artoni, A.; Antonietti, P.F.; Corradi, R.; Mazzieri, I.; Parolini, N.; Rocchi, D.; Schito P.; Semeraro, F.F.; has appeared in the MOX Report Collection.

The report can be donwloaded at the following link:

Abstract: We propose AeroSPEED, a solver based on the Spectral Element Method (SEM) that solves the aeroacoustic Lighthill’s wave equation. First, the fluid solution is computed employing a cell centered Finite Volume method. Then, AeroSPEED maps the sound source coming from the flow solution onto the acoustic grid, where finally the Lighthill’s wave equation is solved. An ad-hoc projection strategy is adopted to apply the flow source term in the acoustic solver. A model problem with a manufactured solution and the Noise Box test case are used as benchmark for the acoustic problem. We studied the noise generated by the complex flow field around tandem cylinders as a relevant aeroacoustic application. AeroSPEED is an effective and accurate solver for both acoustics and aeroacoustic problems.